
This pregnancy has been nothing but stressful. I recently moved out and broken up with my child’s father. We have another baby on the way I’m due in May. Anyways he mad at me because they came for him for child support which i have absolutely nothing to do with. It’s because i have Medicaid health insurance which is paid by the state and our daughter is under my insurance and has been since birth her dad doesn’t even have health insurance ! Mind you i also receive food benefits since I’m currently not working as of now I’m staying with a family member and it’s not like i can work right now because this baby will be here in less then 3 months. I plan to start back work right after i give birth because i have no choice. But I’m really just tired of him trying to guilt trip me and bad talk to me like I’m the one doing this... like no it’s not fair.. i need to stop caring because i take care of my daughter on my own and when her sister arrives i will be taking care of two babies alone by myself. He doesn’t do shit anyways and he think he has it so hard. Ugh