Birth control before hysteroscopy and polypectomy


My doctor had me go on birth control for a couple of weeks before getting my polyp removal this coming Tuesday 3/27. He said to start the day of my period. Last Thursday, I started to faintly bleed and it was also my due date for AF. Sooo figuring my period came, I took my first pill that night. Then Friday I barely bled. It was weird... but happens sometimes. But then Saturday it came full flow. Now I guess technically that was my “first” day, but I had already started taken the BC on Thursday and Friday. I usually only have my period 4-5 days and then it’s gone. I am still slightly bleeding very faintly and still have very little cramping. It’s been more than 4-5 days! I guess I am just curious if this could just be because of being on birth control?? I know it can change some things and my body is not used to it. It’s been years since I’ve been on it and back then I was a Sunday starter. I’m out of the loop on that. Thankfully, I stop taking it after the procedure! But if anything I’m taking it so I’m not bleeding for it! Anyone familiar with this? Thanks!