Baby Making Rant 😓


I want to start this off with-

All of you beautiful, courageous women who have been trying to conceive and struggling, your time is going to come. I know it’s awful to feel like you’ll never have your own baby, but I swear, something good is coming your way.

I feel selfish for even saying this, because we’ve already been blessed with a healthy baby boy.

But guys. My heart hurts.

We always planned on having our kids in close proximity to each other so they would grow up together. (Which was more of a dream to us, as I was told at 16 I wouldn’t be able to have children.) But then we had our son and we got excited. What if they were wrong altogether and we could have another? So, we planned on having Irish twins with our first and second pregnancies, if it were possible. The idea was to start trying again as soon as I was healed up (which I know is a recommended 6 months to a year, but we were aiming for 3 months postpartum- which is now). It was a great plan for us, and in spite of the HG I had with our son, I was ready to try again as soon as we could. I love the idea of watching our family grow, and my son having siblings to grow up with.

But I got sick a week after he was born. Horrible, gut wrenching pain that left me in a ball on the floor at 2am on New Years Day. My husband rushed me to the Er and they diagnosed cholecystitis (gallbladder disease).They sent me home. I followed up with my PCP who told me only “you’re a little young for this. You’re not sick enough to do anything, yet.” And again, sent me home despite scans that showed my gallbladder was full of stones and the walls had thickened quite a lot. I followed up with a surgeon on my own accord because I wanted to take action in getting it handled. She told me to schedule a surgery when I was ready (had to arrange care of the little one, my husband’s work schedule, my work schedule) and it got put on the back burner for awhile. We were just about to schedule it the other day and I got a call from my insurance that my plan has changed due to my turning 21. Now the surgery isn’t covered.

Which means we’re going to have to wait even longer for the surgery and then even longer still to try and conceive baby #2.

It’s really thrown a wrench in our plans, and I’m bummed. Have any of you mamas had a cholecystectomy (gallbladder removal) while pregnant? If so, how did it effect your little ones? The only thing thats throwing me off is the anesthesia for surgery. I don’t know how safe it is for unborn babies, but I’ve seen that some women had theirs removed while pregnant, I just don’t know if the removals were routine or emergency.

Thanks so much for reading and maybe helping us figure out if it’s safe to proceed with our family plans. ❤️

Here’s our little man to lighten the mood ☺️