laid baco doc


so different from my last Dr to this one. last two pregnancy Drs I had I had been listed as high risk and was in all the time it seemed... stress test and us, like weekly.... pee in a cup and exam all the time... now 28weeks with this Dr. only peed in one cup at like 13 weeks? and exam with the first us was really just for the us not a full exam, said I was still good timewise that I didn't need a pap smear... have had a couple us followed by a Dr appointment where he pretty much goes over what we just saw and says any questions? see you in a month.... sugars came back good...did a1c testing over drink, and have a net gain of about 13 pounds low PB, overall high weight and I am almost 41 going for a vbac so he has a few concerns but wow! I love the difference :) plus we go to the same church. and his wife is an ob in the same office 😁