Is it normal for symptoms to die down?


The app says I’m 6 weeks 1 day pregnant. When I found out at 11 DPO, CD 35, I started to have some cramping and light pinkish-white spotting after I went #2, which lasted 2-3 days. The cramps were not as bad as my period cramps because I get BAD period cramps so this was a cakewalk in comparison. But now I’m CD 44 and I haven’t felt anything, no cramps, no pulling, in a few days. My boobs feel slightly less tender, I’m less bloated, slightly less moody, and my test lines from yesterday and the day before were the same color. Should I be worried? I hope my baby is still growing, my appointment is April 5th and I can’t wait... I felt more pregnant like right when I found out. I don’t have morning sickness or anything.

Anyone have any insights??