L&D / Midwife RANT!


For the past 3 days I was having pretty intense contractions some as close as 2 min apart and mind you I’ve had uterine irritability for over a month already. I am 38 + 3 and really paying attention to all the little changes and yesterday I felt a small gush of fluid when simply going from sitting to standing and a few peaks afterward. I decided that with that and the intense contractions it’d be smart to get checked out and the receptionist at L&D; agreed. I went in at about 5 didn’t get in til 6:15 and wasn’t checked until 8:30 mind you my 1 1/2 yr old daughter and 6 yr old sister have been in the waiting room this whole time😒. The midwife says she doesn’t think my waters broken but that she’ll check. After about 20 min she says it’s not broken and that my cervix still looks closed even though she didn’t actually check. I must of had a look of disappointment on my face because she said “ you’re just tired of being pregnant aren’t you?” And oh man did I lose it! I replied with a stern “No, I’m tired of feeling all the symptoms you say to come in for and then you guys brushing everything off!” Which I thought she realized she made a rude comment because she responded with “I’m sorry”. Then I told her “So I go home with these painful contractions how do I know when to come back if they already fit the description you explained?” She said “go home and go to bed.” Which reflexively I responded with “ you don’t know how much I wish I could 😒” and she replied with another smart as comment of “ take benedryll, have you tried?” In my head in thinking I can’t be unconscious I have a 1 1/2 yr old and i said “I’ve also tried that it doesn’t do anything” she said “you’re probably just taking one try 4” and that’s it she let me go. I am grateful that my baby’s ok and yes I am tired of all the pains I’ve been having throughout this pregnancy but I think these “Midwives” that are supposed to be apart of really special moments in our lives need to be more compassionate. If this is just a paycheck to them maybe they need to find another job! Ugh! Sorry this is so long!