How long did it take


How long did it take you to feel baby move I’m currently 11 weeks and swear I can feel it. This is also my first pregnancy. I’m vary in tuned with my body sense my last pregnancy ended in a loss at 6 weeks and this isn’t a annoying pain I felt before 😂. It’s like a zapping feeling in my lower left side where baby seems to hang out. Ik it’s not gas or constipation or ligament pain because I experienced all of them so far and it’s not the same. I got this same zapping feeling once at 9+6 after eating some sweets and once during my ultrasound at 10 weeks while baby was jumping around in there, now I’m 11 weeks and I felt the same feeling on and off quite a bit within a 5 to 10 min span then it will just stop for a while and today I swear I feel something twirling around to it’s weird to explain. None of this really hurts it’s more annoying then painful haha it’s just the zap that catches my attention the most as it don’t hurt but it’s like oh what’s that. Could this be baby or am I just going crazy.