What did I do wrong 🤦🏽‍♀️

Recently in La we just switched seats and I was partnered up to sit with this boy next to me that I had never met before. I asked if he had a pencil, ( bc I'm always so unprepared for every class😂) and he gave me one.

Over the next few few weeks,

He began to get my computer for me, put it away for me , and just do all these really nice things for me and I was like 99.9% sure that he liked me, and I began to like him too.

But one day he just sorta stoped. I tried to make a conversation with him, but he just sounded super pissed off and that has gone on for the past 2 weeks.

I don't know what I did wrong , and I really felt like I could have had a chance with him, does anyone have any advice?