😠leaving ur baby for birth

Tayla🌼 • Two daughters 🌸🌸 13month Gap. 👶🏼 👶🏼 👼 healing from loss 😭 at 11 weeks pregnant. NOW -🌈 👶🏼 on board

My husband is making me leave my baby at my mother in laws house when I go to give birth - my current baby will only be 13months old she never sees us because we live in the country and she lives in the city 13 hours from me. I have to birth in the city. My husband is saying I have to leave my baby at his mums house I don’t feel comfortable with this (because she’s like never been there, she won’t be able to talk and it won’t be familiar to her with people she doesn’t really know) I don’t think this is fair of my husband to make me do this ?! Even though my mum who she’ sees everyday is coming down and will stay at her holiday rental for the birth his still saying she has to go to his mums?! Is this fair ?!