Managing time as a mom

Danielle • Dated my husband since December 2006 and we were married May 2016. Baby boy Henry born June 2nd 2017 👶🏼💙

How in the h*** do you make time for cleaning your house, laundry, cooking dinner, taking a dang shower, pumping/storing milk/washing pump parts, attempting to exercise and not become inactive, all while working full time and 6 days a week (short hours each day) and still have time to spend with your husband, immediate family?! All while taking care of a 9 month old and striving to be the best momma you can be. It’s impossible to do it all! I literally always feel overwhelmed and defeated. There are not enough hours in a week and no matter what I do, in one or more areas I am always lacking. I’m pretty sure I will hardly ever see my friends again either, which at this time in my life I don’t mind but I know they will.

Any tips are greatly appreciated on how you help your days go smoother.