BFP First Round of Clomid


I finally got my BFP! It was my first round of Clomid!

I was put on Clomid because I was ovulating late. I was really worried it wasn’t going to work this round since I still ovulated a week later than I “should”. Took the tests on 12 DPO, and it was positive! I was shocked to say the least.

The day I got my Positive though, my doctor called and said my bloodwork from my 7 day draw indicated my progesterone was only 7.4. So she immediately put me on 100mg of progesterone supplements.

I had wondered if I was a pregnant a few days before I got my Positive. I noticed I was a lot more tired and I was really warm all the time. I also was getting really bad heartburn and had a dizzy spell one day. We did occasionally use Preseed while trying.

Praying for a happy and healthy 9 months!