Rant About Baby Names

Katie • Wife 07.25.15 💍 Mama 06.19.18 👧🏻 Pregnant with our 🌈 baby (08.2020)

Our friends didn’t know the gender of their baby due in February and we don’t know the gender of our baby due in June. They showed us the list of their names a week before but told us they weren’t set on any. The name Isabella was on the list so I said “our girl name is close to one on your list” she asked what it was and I said “Ella”. So she said oh well we won’t do Isabella because her nickname would be Bella. Well a week later they had a girl and named her Arabella. So I confided in another friend and she said that I could still use the name Ella and it would be fine. Now that friend is pregnant and due in September and says if she has a girl she’s thinking of the name Isabella but, with the nickname Izzy. So that would be Arabella, Ella & Isabella who will all be within 8 months of age (if we all have girls). Ugh Ella is the only name my husband and I both love and now I’m second guessing it.

End Rant haha