Toddler no longer wants paci

My daughter is 13 months and last night I was putting her to sleep and as I always do I went to put her paci in her mouth. We only give her a pacifier during nap and sleep time and occasionally in the car (however since she’s been about 9 months she will take it out of her mouth after a few minutes). We never gave her a paci while playing or walking/ crawling around because we didn’t want her to rely on it for comfort. Well last night she swiped her hands at it and wouldn’t take it at all. Today I didn’t offer it during her morning nap and she fell asleep fine and I did offer it for her afternoon nap because that one is usually hard to get her to sleep but she didn’t want it and fell asleep after a few minutes. Has this happened to anyone else as a way of your child saying they are done with it. I was expecting that weening was going to be hard so any info would be great!