Help? Bleeding consistently


Hi. Last week I realized I missed a pill for the day prior right when I was supposed to be taking the pill for that day. I doubled up and everything was fine. A day or so later I took the pill a half hour late by mistake. I usually have an alarm set for 6:15 am and I’m on the dot everyday minus these two hiccups. I started spotting and had really bad cramps for a few days. I’m still bleeding on and off. Is this from me missing a pill one day? Nothing else has changed. During all of this my boyfriend and I haven’t been having sex. Even leading up to me missing the pill. Just no sex drives on either end. I highly doubt I’m pregnant, just confused why it felt like I literally had a period about a week and a half before I’m due. The occasional bleeding only when I wipe still occurs. It never gets on my clothing. Sorry for the TMI, just looking for answers!