Nap time struggles


Today LO did not want to nap. She was clearly tired to me, rubbing her eyes, fussy, leaning on her high chair, laying down on the floor, but when I took her to the bedroom, she refused to calm down. I tried nursing, rocking, light bouncing, music, a book, a lovey. She was NOT having any of it. Just screaming and flailing. I just changed her diaper and I always try to burp her because it bothers her on occasion. There was nothing wrong that I could see, besides just being over-tired. So I let her hang out in the jumper for a bit and SHE FALLS. ASLEEP. What?? How do I get this girl to nap without a dang circus show? Feeling crazy over here lol. I feel like she should be able to nap on her own by now, at least some times.