Anyone dealing with Pcos and weight gain!!!


I’ve dealt with Pcos (polycystic ovary and syndrome) since I was 17years old and started slowly gaining weight .officially got diagnosed when I was 21. anyway I was all around for athlete and did military training. it was hard to keep the weight off. Now I’m 31 . It’s gotten worse . No meds help well the o my thing I was ever given wast metformin it made me sick. A gynecologist told me there was a proven study that those Meds didn’t help with weight loss anyway. So who has lost weight. What have you done to keep the weight off? I’m fm5”3 and at my heaviest 207.8 I weighted less when I was 9 months pregnant. My stomach is huge now my weight mostly goes there 🙁😣. Please any tips oh yeah these hot flashes are the worst