Natural Home Birth!


I can finally add my birth story! On the morning of March 21st my water broke. Contractions started right away and I called our midwives to let them know today would be the day. That happened around 7:30am. I labored at home cleaning random things and listening to music. At 11:30 my mom got to the house to finish all the cleaning projects I hadn't finished (distracted by contractions). The first midwife got to our house at 1pm and things were already getting intense. My vitals were good and baby's heart rate was good so we started to fill up the tub.

Over the next couple of hours I went back and forth between the tub and walking in our room. Two other midwives got to our house because the first had to leave for a different birth. I pushed for about two hours but after her head was born our sweet baby shot out like a rocket and my husband caught her with one hand she came so fast! 7 pounds 11 ounces and 20.5 inches long 💗

Overall it was very intense but I'm so glad we stayed at home! 9 hours from start to finish and we have been soaking up the snuggles ever since!

To all the mamas out there, you can do it!