Boyfriend problems...


So since 2018 has started , my family has been asking my boyfriend to hang out with us , stuff like going to the zoo or hanging out at my grandmothers house or watching the sun rise in the beach. Every time we ask him he says no because he has work (I totally understand) or because he just doesn’t want to. I get it he wants to sleep and not miss work but even when we ask him over a week in advance he still says no and won’t ask for the day off. Next week friday my parents wanna go on a double date with us (we’ve already rescheduled once because he has to work) and I still don’t think he’s gonna ask for the night off.

We’re both in high school and we can’t work full time so we work after school and weekends.

I feel like when my family asks to do something with him involved he says no or his mom says no , but when his mom asks me to do something with them my mom always says yes. My mom actually likes my boyfriend.

Idk what to do anymore ... I just needed to vent to someone and hopefully get advice or a shoulder to cry on to let this all out...