Terrible groin pains


I’m 37+3 with my second baby. My oldest is 6. Last night I started having these terrible pains in my right groin. So bad that SO had to get me out the shower and carry me to the bed. I put my heating pad on my groin and didn’t move for 2 hours until I was forced to get up to go tinkle. This morning the pains is back but now in my left groin. In addition to these pains I’ve been having consistent lower back cramps. My water broke with my son so labor was pretty easy to recognize. I don’t know what this mess is that I’m going through right now.


Went to the doctor today for our weekly check up. 2cm dilated. 50% effaced. We went for a 3 mile walk with our Giant Schnauzer Shadow this evening. I’m not trying to be trapped at 2cm for weeks. Come on babygirl. Show Mommy your face!