Always Something

I’ve had the <a href="">glow app</a> for some time now. But I’ve never actually posted anything my self. So here goes.

I’m 22 years old. I have no children, I was TTC for a little while but it was difficult so I’m just working on finishing up school for now (Graduate RN in August 🙌)

But anyways about a year and a half to two years ago I started having all kinda problems. Was having really irregular periods. Found out I had PCOS, recently added the possibility of endometriosis. Started getting yeast and bacterial infections (though before then I had never had one in my LIFE) and my period have been literally CRAZY.

But it’s literally always something between some kind of infection to bleeding constantly!! It really interrupts your sex life.

I’ve been on many different birth controls all giving me some kinda crazy side effect. But a couple months ago I started a different one, so far it’s okay, just makes things a little “dry” down there. And I’ve had about a 10 pound weight gain. (Not to mention I’m pretty active) Which isn’t the worst thing that could happen but still makes some things harder.

Anyways I’m just looking to see if anyone else has had these problems and what they do to help.

It’s like with birth control you have different side effects, but with out it you bleed for weeks straight. It’s just getting more annoying and irritating to deal with. Especially when you want to be intimate with your partner and you can’t because it’s literally ALWAYS SOMETHING.

If anyone has any words of advice or help at all its greatly appreciated!