need advice 😣


so I've never posted on here yet I've had this app and I do read other post but never had the courage to post for some reason but today I feel like I need to.. so I had a mc 2 months ago, I had to take some pills so it could happen and that threw my period off badly but of course I still kept up with it and whatever ovulation days it says of course I have sex with my fiance cause we are both so ready to have a baby it's crazy. But these last 2 weeks have been crazy I have been getting dizzy, headaches throughout the day, I can sleep all day and when I wake up I have really no energy to do anything, I get so nauseas without vomiting but last night I did, i have weird taste in my mouth, I do get grossed out with some foods, and I have had mild cramps not anything like I'm used to when I'm pms, I have a WAY bigger appetite but I'm going crazy cause it's only been like 3 days that im late with my period and I don't want to get my hopes up just because it could easily be my period... or me just being paranoid thinking I'm pregnant.