My boyfriend doesn’t want to be with a “big” girl.

Guys. I need help and your opinion.

So in November my boyfriend and I had our beautiful baby girl. Before I got pregnant I was pretty thin but not that thin. During my second trimester I gained so much weight and I know it’s my fault for giving into my cravings but I literally don’t know how girls don’t. 😅

Anyways, recently I started a low carb diet and I’m happy with the numbers dropping but I’m just not happy with the fact that I can’t eat what I want. It makes me so irritable. And I’m lashing out at the littlest things. It honestly doesn’t help the the pantry and fridge has a bunch of junk food that he can eat. I also feel like crap and am so tired. I feel like for some reason my hearts gonna give out and my chest has been hurting for the past 2 days. My boyfriend says that’ll pass and I was like yeah okay he’s right but it feels like every day is getting worse and harder .

But honestly I feel like I’m doing this more for him than for me. He keeps telling me he doesn’t want to date a big girl and that if I don’t change my ways I won’t have a boyfriend anymore. It honestly hurts my feelings. Like yeah I don’t want to be the way I am anymore but I was happier when I just didn’t care. Like so he’d rather have a skinny and rude girlfriend than a slightly bigger and happy girlfriend. Idk. Am I wrong to kinda think he’s shallow? I currently weigh 189. When I first stared I weighed 196. I just want to be able to eat but in moderation and work out but he doesn’t want it that way.

Idk. Opinions?