mirena iud


i’m so curious i got my iud in 2 weeks ago and my doctor told me to take ibuprofen throughout the week and i did exactly what she said and i’m a little concerned. after i got it in for the first few days i just spotted the iodine that my gyno said i would and then nothing after that just looked like normal discharge but once i stopped taking ibuprofen after a week of having it in, i started light bleeding and having very uncomfortable cramps i used to bad cramps and this is a little less if not what i go through all the time and i feel like it shouldn’t be this painful, also my blood looks SO dark like TMI but when i wipe it looks red but like in my pad it looks black and it’s been going on for like 5 days now and i don’t know what to do my gyno told me to call her if i had heavy bleeding for a month. i don’t know if i should be concerned about this, i completely trust her because she used an ultrasound to make sure it was placed correctly, this is my first time and i really would like to here someone else’s two sense