am i horrible ?

so ever since i hit 6.5 weeks pregnant I have been soooo mean, i have family and friends complaining about things to me and i truly don’t even care. and ima cancer i have nothing but love for anyone, i care about everyone and i tried to do for the ones who are close to me but now i’m just annoyed by it and it upsets me deep inside where my good side had been stashed away... it’s like i only care about how my child is growing and if he/she is okay .... and i care about what people do or bring around me now... does this happen with pregnant women? because idk what it is but i’m always annoyed by others like i just wanna be alone with my man and watch my belly grow . Like i want only positivity in my life rn, i don’t wanna hear about negativity from complainers.. am i wrong ? because i surely don’t mean it