Just an experiment

Kari • 36🙎🏻‍♀️ & 47🙎🏼‍♂️ /💍 2009 / Together 10years! Stepmom 2009 / Bio 👶🏻2016 / 👼🏻03/2018 👼🏻08/2018 /TTC W/ PCOS

I’ve seen so many posts about evaps and indents and taking tests apart so I conducted a little experiment. For the record I know I’m not pregnant. I just had a MC and my bloods were back to 0. Also tested on HPTs back to negative as well.

I have a ton of tests and this is three different brands.

Greenvida (Amazon)

Easy @ Home (Amazon)

FRER (Amazon)

I took these tests and took pics in the time frame w/ and w/o flash then let them sit and dry out and did it again. I also opened the frer just for good measure.

I laid the tests flat to read results per instructions. Here’s the results:

As you can see no evaps/indents on any of them. Yes if you hold them to the light you can see those clear white lines but if you lay them flat and read them you should get true results.

This was just for fun and for information ladies :) Hope everyone gets the BFPs they are waiting for.

(As you can see no blue dye because I don’t have any but that’s because I don’t trust them.)