Am I the only one?? RANT

Am I the only mom out there that has a terrible baby? She came out of me crying and has barely stopped since. She’s almost 4 months old and is nowhere near sleeping through the night. At her best, she was sleeping 2-3 hours at a time. And lately, she’s been up every.single.hour. I try laying her back down and she instantly wakes up. During the day, she is finally starting to become happy but she still has terrible nights. I don’t know how she can function on such little sleep. I know I can’t! Feeling like I’m going to start going crazy pretty soon. I am so happy to read that a lot of you have perfect babies who have slept through the night since day one and take glorious afternoon naps, but screw you!!! No offense, but I’m tired of everyone’s child being so perfect and wonderful except mine. Reading stories about how these moms are SO miserable and tired because baby had been up THREE times last night. Boo fricken hoo! I pray to god every night that we ONLY get up 3 times. Is there anyone else out here who hasn’t had an easy time? Anyone else who’s child has been difficult ( and by difficult, I mean DIFFICULT). Yes, I’ve talked to the doctor and she’s perfectly healthy. She’s breastfed and I’ve made every dietary modification known to man. She’s just psycho baby at night. I just want to know that I’m not alone 😢