I honestly thought I'd never get to meet my baby or see my fiancé again...

Dorothy • 23, January 7th 2018 👶🏻💕 , Fashion major, Wedding planner, Author, Foodie, Crohn's Warrior 🙂

Well nothing like 3 months later to write about the most traumatizing and beautiful birth story I hope I ever have to go through.

I was a scheduled C-Section for my little girl on January 7th. We woke up at 4 am and drove an hour and a half to the city where I've had a team of doctors there my whole pregnancy (I have Crohn's disease so I was under somewhat special care and thought I was going to one of the top hospitals in NYC). Already a frantic mess due to my miracle baby. I was told It would be a long hard road to have my baby but my pregnancy went beautiful and smooth and I was one happy pregnant momma. I was nervous as hell but so excited to finally meet our girl. I remember dancing in my seat in my gown waiting for my doctor..

Nurse comes in explains everything that can or could happen during my C-section. Now everything seemed great until she said it may feel like I can't breathe. Right away I started freaking out because I don't like that feeling. Little did I know I would go through something much worse. My doctor came in and calmed me down. I was relieved. Put everything on. They had my fiancé wait outside and told him it was going to be 10 minutes tops until they put the spinal tap in. YEAH. RIGHT.

My doctor was infront of me, holding me steady. The anesthesiologist could not get it right for a few minutes which I knew was normal. Then he began hurting me, and 10 minutes turned into 45 minutes. At the 45 minute mark I was sweating a ridiculous amount, I felt so much pain any time he put the needle in, I started slurring my speech, getting light headed and seeing black. He had to constantly keep numbing me. (After birth, my entire back was black and blue with a total of 25 needle marks) he hit the wrong spot and that was it , I went limp. I knew something was wrong because my doctor was very calm and cool and then got extremely nervous and started yelling as I was going down. I could not catch my breath or breathe. I honestly thought I was going to die right then and there. I have no idea what they injected into me but I remember hearing them all panick and finally being able to see blurry and then clear again as my heart rate rose higher.

Finally after an hour, they let me fiancé in and started my Csection. My fiancé was so nervous for me but he was so happy to see me. We just looked into each other's eyes telling each other how much we loved one another. Then we hear the doctor say "HERE IS CHARLIE" At 9:13am on January 7th, our daughter Charlotte James was born. 6 pounds 10 ounces, 19 1/2 inches long of pure love and joy. She came out screaming with the most beautiful cry I ever heard. We were in love instantly.

Almost 3 months later she is the happiest chubby little girl. Always smiling, hitting her milestones earlier than expected. She's also already sleeping in her crib and through the night. The only time she ever cries is when she has bad gas or me and her daddy are not fast enough with her bottle. Such a good girl. She is indeed my miracle baby. Healed me from the inside out. God has certainly blessed me.

EDIT: WOW MOMMAS! Thank you so much for all your incredible responses, had no idea my post would get the responses it did. Right now I'm fighting an infection from appendicitis and I've been away from my girl for 3 days now in the hospital, so your responses truly have lifted my spirits. I'll try to respond to all of you! Thank you again!! 💕