Bi-Racial Families


Sorry in advanced for the long post...

Both of my kids are Bi-racial. Their father is Native American and Caucasian and I'm african american, Native American, and Caucasion. Today i went to my work (Winco) with my daughter to do some grocery shopping and i took my roomate Chance with me to help me with some of the shopping. While i was there a coworker of mine Kayleigh had just gotten off work and she walked around with me talking about how things had been going since i had been gone on maternity leave. It came time to check out and Kayleigh was holding my daughter while Chanc e and I got groceries organized onto the belt and another customer who looked Asian (not that it matters im not racist in anyway) came up behind us and struck a conversation with us. Than she began to ask kayleigh some more personal questions such as how old my daughter was, where she was born and things of that nature. Kayleigh politely looked at me and said she was not her mom I was. The lady then looked at me amd asked if i was her mom and i said yes and she began making comments like "Oh well you look too dark to be her mother. Shes so white." Then turned to chance and says "Well your very pale are you her father" and chance told her no and i tried to ignore her because i started to get so mad. Than she proceeded to say "Even my grandkids are darker than that" At this point im so upset and mad and overall embarressed I wanted to cry so i hurried paid bagged my groceries Kayleigh gave me my daughter and told me she was sorry and i ran out the door... I went to my car and i just wanted to cry i was in total shock that something like that had just happened... I felt like i should have said something but in that moment i didnt know what to say and to top that all off ive been suffering from severe post partum depression i just started some medication to help because theres times i cant even pull myself out of bed... After today i just feel like i never want to leave my house because this happened i had an older gentleman get upset with me today for nursing in public even though i was fully covered i was called a bitch because i yelled "EXCUSE ME" after someone ran i to me and my daughter then proceeded to walk away without as much as an apology.... People are just so rude and ignorant today was not my day 😭💔