Finally it’s happened!!!


Hubby and I have been TTC for 18 months and finally this morning I had the best gift I could wake up to!

AF 3 days late and have been experiencing insomnia, sore nipples and mild nausea.

I will be telling my Mum & Sister later today (purely because they know of the troubles we’ve had and how much it’s been cutting me up) but everyone else will have to wait until after the scan - how do people keep such big secrets?!

I was becoming so stressed out and was living by all the words and advice on this page. The minute I stopped logging and checking every 5 minutes, my miracle happened. This group is great as a support network, but it does put unbelievable stress and upset on you too.

To everyone still trying, do not give up, stay relaxed and most of all enjoy the times with your partner!

Sending so much fairy dust to everyone ✨