Please help!


Hi! I’m worrying and I need some guidance.

I had implanon out December 2017 and my periods have been a bit irregular since. (Average 30 days, but from 22-30 days). I have been using the clearblue digital ovulation kit. The algorithm on here is completely wrong for me (the picture is the adjusted one).

I have had 7 days of high fertility reading since last Wednesday then today got my peak. I have BD’d a lot, but I am annoyed I didn’t last night then I won’t be back home until 9pm tonight because of work. I’m worried I’ll miss the best BD opportunity. Tried to get my husband to have sex before work, but he was half asleep and wouldn’t. How likely is it I have missed the opportunity? Some things say sperm stay alive for 5 days, but median is apparently 1.5. Sorry if this sounds stupid, I just don’t want to miss my chance. Also should I do it tomorrow morning? He isn’t back until midnight tomorrow...