Should I go to the doctors?

Kristen • 29.NY. Nursing student. In love with my best friend. 🌻❤️

So a little back story:

In the last two years I’ve gained 70pounds or so

I am considered obese because I am only 5’3

I was 130 in this photo below

I am now 206lbs as of yesterday 😭

I am absolutely miserable and cannot stand to look in the mirror now. But I have now started my fitness journey to get back to being healthy again.

But the point of the post is I noticed the other day I’ve started growing facial hair on the sides of my face.

Of course I took myself to google(never the best idea lol)

It can be a symptom of thyroid problems, obesity, diabetes, hormones(I’ve had the IUD for two years now).

I’ve also been wondering if my IUD has caused my weight gain. 🤔

Would you go to the doctors? I think so but my bestfriend said I shouldn’t even bother going but to focus on losing the weight first.