Am I pregnant or false alarm?


So, lately I been having issues with my period. January my period was two days late and it was on and off for days and February my period was two days late and only lasted two days instead of five days which is unusual. And I would have really bad pelvic pain during and after sex. And I went to the doctor and they did some test and told me that I have a cyst in my right ovaries with was nothing to be worried about but I have another cyst in my cervic. Which they gave me meds for and said that if it doesn’t go away that I would need surgery because it can make it impossible to have kids. I took the meds and been off of them for about two and a half weeks. And I was good no pain after or during sex. But now the last two times I had sex the pelvic pain came back and now My period is four days. If I don’t get my period by Sunday I would have went the whole month of March without a period. My question to y’all is. Does it sound like I am possibly pregnant and should take a pregnancy test? Or could it be the cyst not going away? Help please I am really freaking out. And I haven’t told my boyfriend because last month when this happen we thought that I was pregnant but I wasn’t and I don’t wanna false alarm him again.