
Angela • Momma to 2 bio sons and 1 adopted daughter. 3rd pregnancy, 4th baby!

I feel so anxious and stressed and frustrated. I have to do so much even though im a stay at home mom. is my son getting enough sleep? is he eating enough? diapers, shopping lists, cleaning, planning, organizing, preparing for new baby, trying to work out a good sleep schedule for my toddler. and maybe i shouldn't complain because some moms have to do all this on top of working a job or two. it's hard to sit down even when I'm exhausted. even writing this now makes me anxious because I'm wasting time but I have to get it out and my husband is stressed too. If there is a spot on the wall, table, counter whatever it will literally haunt me all day and cause me stress until I clean it. my floors need a good wash but I can't wash them when I'm home alone with my son because he steps all over them and slips and messes them up. so just the fact that they are so bad gives me so much stress. and I can hardly deal with my headstrong toddler when I know there is so much to do. any bit of clutter just buzzes in my head until I pick it up. I'm so frustrated at everything. and my roommates. I just want to move so badly into a nice small apartment with just me and my babies and my husband. anyways that's my rant for today. maybe nobody will read it and that's ok atleast it's out there now