It’s just too much

Hi🙂 I’m 17

So every single relationship (3) I’ve been in the guy I’m dating will like 4 months in expect to get married. And I’m not old enough in the first place to be thinking about marriage, second I don’t know if I’m ready to have someone in my life forever by that point. I know this isn’t the worst thing in the world I mean I have never really had guys play me. They just expect to marry me and they bring it up all of the time. I’ve been with my current boyfriend for 4 months and he talks about how “when we get married etc” and “ if we ever break up it will be because you broke up with me” So when I lose feelings for a person I cant ever really say anything because then I turn into a monster for trying to ruin the relationship. And then after it all they talk shit about me 🤔