Two yolks, one egg!

Meg • Wife (to my high school sweetheart of 12 years 💗) & Mom to two beautiful girls, pregnant with my rainbow baby 💕💗

My husband and I have chickens, we have 7 different breeds. We breed and raise them to sell to others who want to have chickens...well, on Monday morning he brought me an egg...which wouldn’t normally be a big deal, right!? Well, this egg came from one of our smaller breeds, a bantum and it was huge! He said either that’s one big bantum chick or there are two in there...his incubators are all full and this morning he said, I could crack the one open to see what was inside, and sure enough I crack it and there were two yolks! I don’t usually believe in wives tales or anything like that, we have been TTC since January when we suffered a miscarriage in period is “supposedly” coming on Saturday the 31st, but I’ve been having some pretty weird symptoms...nausea, lower back pain, not extremely sore, but tender boobs, and feeling a little warmer than usual...I guess I’m just posting because it’s crazy I’m feeling all these symptoms and then I crack an egg open with two yolks! Typically I would go ahead and test based off my symptoms, but my body played a mean trick on me last month when I was 2 days late and tested it was negative and the AF showed up on the “3rd day” I’m waiting til Saturday morning to test...