I was raped twice.


I currently take anxiety and depression medication, because of the fact I was raped for 2 & a half years, at the ages 7-9, by my own brother. I never told anyone because I was only a child. Fast forward to age 16, when my cousin Sami and I were super close, like best friends. We did everything together. I was spending the night at her house when I was raped again by her boyfriend, in my sleep. I woke up with him on top of me and my vagina aching and bleeding from a tear. I called and texted my friend Courtney who was my 2nd best friend. He and his mother came and picked me up around 5-6am, and took me home. I told them I was scared to tell my parents but eventually they convinced me to tell them. So, I told my mom, and she immediately called the cops. I was bleeding everywhere, all over my clothes. I had to go to the 'rape center' at the local hospital, and have a pap smear done along with taking around 10 different pills to stop any kind of infection. My family was told we couldn't press charges against him, because there wasn't enough evidence. Fast forward (again) a few days, I told my mom that my brother had raped me when I was little, and she was so upset that she just burst into tears, called me a liar, and slammed the door in my face. She eventually asked my brother about it, and he confessed everything. I wasn't allowed to tell anyone about my brother because she didn't want anyone looking down on her, or my brother. I no longer have any connection with 90% of my family due to the fact they still think I lied about everything.