Hi everyone just advice please

Hello and hope you all are well... I have been trying to get pregnant for about 8 months I know it's not long but I did get pregnant twice.... one ended in a chemical and a second miscarriage that ended in feb. I have started to try again I got my first postive on the 25th glow sed I did ovulate on the 26th of this month. I bd on the 25 26 and 27th.. I tested again on the 26th and got a postive again that was there around 11.30 pm I baby danced that day now it's the 28th and hubby has gone out I'm scared I have not covered all days fertile days need 2 days ago. I am following the sperm meets egg plan and think I am to do it tonight leave tomorrow and 5th day again... have I done enough... or is tonight a must first time opk and trying this plan.. please advice would be great stressing out and don't want to argue with the husband😔😔😔😢😪 p.s here is how many times we be..