Work issues as a vet tech or nurse


So I just found out yesterday that I was pregnant. Today I was off work and went to a clinic to confirm. They don’t have a dr on staff just RN. I’m having to apply for medi-cal and that may take a couple weeks to go through. So technically right now I’m not under a doctors care. So I asked the nurse today about my job. I’m a vet tech. So I know no X-rays and no super heavy lifting but I asked her about being around the anesthetic gas and she said I should stay away from it. The problem is each tech has like 1-3 anesthetic procedures a day. So idk that I have any ground to stand on because I don’t have a doctors note or anything like that yet. I don’t want it to be a big issue but I feel like it’s going to be. I just don’t feel comfortable doing it. Anybody else have to deal with a similar situation. Thanks.