period 19 days LATE, spotting?? BFNs...

hey ladies... So today marks 19 days LATE for my period. I have gotten 8 billion BFNs.. on the 1st day I was late, the 4th, and the 10th. (so I haven't tested in 9 days) however... I THOUGHT my period was gonna start yesterday because I wiped and had a tiny bit of brownish dark red blood. barely one wipe. I put a pad on and ALL DAY just a dime size... if that. I have been crampy and so so so moody. what gives???? Is it my period? Or something else?? 🤞

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Posted at
Sounds like you missed your period from stress


Lynzee • Mar 29, 2018
^^^ THIS! I’m so susceptible to stress and it effects my period when it’s bad.


Posted at
I’d wait a couple more days if af still doesn’t show test again or go see your doctor for blood work, what you described possible could be implantation bleeding you could have just ovulated later? Maybe? Good luck