Little concerned 😕

Jessii • Canadian 🇨🇦 East Coaster 🔱 living on the prairies 🏔 Mommy to Wilhelm & Jānis 🧒🏼👶🏼 03.30.19 💍

So I posted a few hours ago of my first ultrasound. I'm 8 weeks and 5 days today. They said the heartbeat is 172 which is normal and the baby is measuring normally as well.

My concern is just as I was getting home, I bled. Like maybe a half a teaspoon bright red. Then I bled again but this time it was more light pink. Then more stuff came out and I went to the bathroom again but this time it was barely any light pink blood but more like clear substance that was coming out. I feel very slight cramping but I'm not sure if it's because I'm scared, cramping cause I'm stretching or cramping with a possibly miscarry.

They also found a blood pocket on my ultrasound too from when my little squishy burrowed into my uterus, could that possibly be it?

I haven't had anything else come out or me yet. And I called my local health link and they didn't seem to be too concerned and just told me to monitor it and if I get worse then to call them back.

Anyone else go through this? I'm kinda scared but I'm trying to stay calm.