ugggh I can't wait any longer!!! what do you guys think?


I just found out this morning I am pregnant...I was going to wait to tell my husband until Sunday on Easter that God has given us another blessing buuuuuuuut I can't wait any longer...its killing me!!!!! so this is how I'm telling him...what do you guys think??

he will be home ANY MINUTE!!!!! Happy Easter to you ladies and baby dust to ALL of you!!!!! 😄😄😄id LOVE to see a ton of you announcing your dreams have come true in APRIL!!! you got this! don't give up! UPDATE: My husband came home and read the egg outloud "hatching Dec 2018? hatching.....ARE YOU PREGNANT? Are you really? Are you really?!?!?!? oh my God! are you sure?!?! Are you really?!?! " I couldn't stop smiling and was a great happy moment for us and I'm SO excited for each and every one of you to share your special news with your S/O and family. I pray for you all that you will get your dream of being a mommy or conceiving your 2nd, 3rd or 10th baby. we all have different struggles but God is good ladies!!! he has his own timing and it will always be perfect, maybe not when we want it to be but it is perfect. Happy Easter! baby dust and prayers to you all!!!!!!