Am I wrong for being pissed off? UPDATE

So I just found out my husband has been secretly video taping me yelling back at him when we have bad fights, and his reason for doing this is as follows: "I want to have an edge if we ever go to court. I want to be able to have full custody." he literally has been video taping me only bad times of our lives where we have huge arguments so he can make me look bad in court. When I told him how betrayed I felt and how shocking and fucked up that is to do to someone he told me that I was crazy and unpredictable and he only wants what's best for the child. WHAT THE FUCK????

UPDATE - I want to remain anon so I'm not going to respond to comments individually. But to the couple of people that asked what I was saying, I would never EVER EVER EVER say that I'm going to kill my children or anyone. In the videos I called him a prick and a liar because the majority of our fights are about him lying to me about one thing or another, a BIG problem in our relationship. He swore that he deleted the videos but I am leaving anyways. I have given him a taste of his own medicine and filmed him telling me that he filmed me secretly to make me look bad in court. So if he tries to take me to trial and use those videos that he supposedly "deleted" against me he's going to get one hell of a storm coming because my video will prove he's been secretly plotting against me. The reason I'm leaving him is because I agree with the ladies who said it sounds like he's just waiting to leave me until he has the evidence he needs. Not only that but any spouse respecting husband would not use the only parts of our life that have been bad to stab me in the back with. I deserve someone who is on my same team instead of someone who secretly runs against me.