TMI! Bloody wipe pics. 9 DPO, IB or AF? Help...?

Carolina • Baby girl due August 2019💗🌈👶🏼 Mama to Millie Valentina 7/13😭🤍

Im 9 DPO and had a huge dip in BBT yesterday, but still over cover line, and today it went back up, but not much.

I went to the bathroom this evening and got this when I wiped... Is this implantation bleeding or AF?

AF isn’t due until April 1st, 4 days away. And I think I can honestly say my period has never been early, even by a day, like ever (well since they regulated in my mid-teens). But I’ve been pretty crampy on and off yesterday and today although not as bad as my normal AF cramps, but still worries me it’s AF.


Is 9 DPO too late for implantation bleeding? Does this even look like the “right” color of IB? Or is it more likely the start of AF? Mine always just hits full-blown, no spotting before to give me a heads up, so this is a bit off. And I’m worried my temp dip means I’m out and my period started? Any help deeply appreciated!!!🙌🏼❤️❤️

Chart for reference: