The dr said I’m a drug abuser VENTING

Today was my first high risk ob appointment and the moment the dr came in I knew she already made up her mind about me. I’ve been on opioids since Last year do to a foot injury but I’ve taken all my classes for being able to take them (I have kaiser) and I see a pain managment dr regularly who manages how many I take and will calculate the date I’ll be due for a refill just so I’m on track and we know I’m not addicted or over useing them. I found out I was pregnant and right away called my doctor to start tappering down on these medications because I know they’d be harmful to the baby. I went from taking 10mg 3 and a half times a day to now taking 5mg 4 times a day, I have to taper slowly to prevent withdrawal symptoms. well this high risk ob said I was an opioid abuser and I told her what I just explained above and her face and attitude was as if she was disgusted at me. I already feel like shit as it is knowing if anything happens to this baby it’s my fault and I feel like as a dr she should’ve been supportive instead of judging.