
Been TTC for 4 months now and have heard nothing but good things about preseed so decided 'why not give it a try' I started ovulation week on the 16th march so we went to our local Boots to get some and we're super excited.. we used it every day up until peak day on 20th and as usual put the tube on the side.. few hours later and I'm drawing a jigglypuff print for one of my followers when Stitch (my 6 month old frenchie) come prancing into the room with something in his mouth.. I get up to see what it is and he darts downstairs...

So I'm chasing him wondering what the hell it could be for a good 5 minutes until I finally catch him and get him to drop it... ITS THE LID TO MY PRESEED TUBE 😩 I start searching the house frantically hoping that's all he's got hold of but there it is.. under the clothes dryer... a very chewed up preseed tube covered in holes 😒 he looks at me and at the tube then darts back upstairs.. 😂

It's completely contaminated and can't be used so in the bin it goes. I phone the vets (he didn't actually eat the content just chewed the tube up but could have still congested some) they say it's fine and it's just lube so to keep an eye on him.. that night I swear he had the worst gas he's ever had and everytime he dropped one it smelt of preseed... hed just looked at me with guilt in his eyes.. looks like its back to the drugstore to spend £20 on some more before my next ovulation 🙄😂

He's lucky he's cute 🙈♥️