Please ease my mind

Hi. I got a faint line BFP exactly 3 days past my AF due date. It was on a cheapie so I went out that evening and bought a 2 pack of digitalis, both came back positive that night and next day. Fast forward to Wednesday....went to my primary dr to discuss my questions while I await my OB appt at the end of April. In the dr office, I had drank so much water and my urine was diluted. It came up negative (so we thought) initially she came in and said I needed labs because the urine was negative. Then she left and came back in and said she looked at it herself and the tech read it wrong and it was actually positive. ??ok. I’m only 17 dpo and we only did BD on March 10 this cycle- o was March 11 (OPK). So still very early. The tech reading it wrong freaked me out so I went and bought a digital and a frer. So last night I took them both. Now the frer says positive right away but the digital said no! The clear blue said pregnant just 2 days prior wth? How can I have a positive and a negative? Shouldn’t 5 days past AF hcg should be easy to detect no matter what? I also have consistent light pink tinges when I wipe. Is everything ok?