my ex

So me and my ex were together for 6 months. We broke up like four months ago on December 14th. Not gonna lie I still lowkey have feelings and I just don’t know how to completely get rid of them. We talked about a month ago about getting back together and we tried but it just didn’t work. Like our feelings for eachother weren’t increasing. We still have feelings for eachother in a romantic way but not enough to be in a relationship. But then I don’t know the fact that I know that yet I still in a way want to be with him makes me mad at myself. He posted on his snap story that he got asked to prom and I was a lot more hurt then I thought I was going to be. We had always planned to go together 🙁 we broke up because effort wasn’t a two way street I out in way more then he did and so eventually it just to the point where I felt more like a job then his girl because everything was work for him so we broke up I just wanna know how to completely get over him.