popping the ?


Alright ladies... I need some opinions. We are going on a trip with his family next week and I have planned to be unconventional & just go for it. We have talked about getting married & both know we only want each other but... sometimes... he's a little slow & thinks it's just whenever. We already live together and have a family so it's the next step in our future. He loves fishing so while we are on vacation I was going to plan to have his sister keep our daughter while we go surf fishing. I was going to take a "bait bucket" with just sand and put the ring it so when he tried to bait up... SURPRISE!! lol Now, my other half is in no way, shape, or form a romantic. Well, he likes romantic things but he just never thinks of doing romantic things 😂😂😂 So... I wanna know what you think. For an outdoorsy non-romantic proposal... should I go for it or change plans and try a different style?