Would you think I’m overreacting?

My partner of over 8 year has got very close to another woman recently and although I’ve never had an issue with him having female friends at all there’s something that just doesn’t sit right with me. So firstly he has hid the fact he went out with this girl on two days out and I only found out later because friends of mine spotted them on both occasions I left it a while and would try and bring it up with my partner in the hopes he would tell me first and as time went on it was clear he wasn’t going to. When I confronted him about it he said he didn’t feel the need to tell me that he was out with her ( bear in mind that he was supposed to be in work theses days ) I told him it’s the fact he went and did something when I thought he was working and so on I left it at that we argued I forgave him. Now he’s continued to speak to this girl continuously and I hate snapchat and don’t really use it myself but they have a streak of over 100 days now. Today I was suffering really bad with morning sickness currently ten weeks pregnant and I was debating whether or not to go into work he told me I should try and make the effort and sent me on my way after making me my dinner. Now I got a calm from my friend who had spotted them the first time to ask if I knew they were together I said no we’ve recently put full security up on our house so I know I shouldn’t but I reviewed the recent footage and could see that they had both entered my house and stayed for about 2 hours. I called my partner before I knew about all this and said I was on my way home he told me he couldn’t speak as he was cleaning the house but now I can see by the camera that she was still in my house at that time and they left shortly after and he returned just before I got home. I don’t know what to think be feel like I can’t trust him.


I confronted my partner about it and he said I was being crazy and overprotective I’ve asked him to cut ties or I’ll kicking him out he said why would he do that if she’s done nothing wrong? This other women is also engaged so I wonder if her partner is aware of the situation my partner swears he knows but I don’t know whether to ask him?