Please Help!

Hi ladies, sooo my body has been super strange lately, and my husband and I aren't trying to conceive actively at this point, but we're OK and happy if we do. I recently represented myself in court for a custody battle, it's not over, but I got really upset and pretty depressed following that for about 3-5 days, cool. I'll admit, I already have a really hard time eating (appetite problems), but i didn't eat for those 3-5 days (this isn't really abnormal for me, I can go long, and it's not intentional).

Now that those details are out of the way, my husband and I had unprotected sex on March 12th, this is the first time he hasn't pulled out since giving birth to our daughter who is 6. On march 13th, for a whole week I began cramping, they were pretty rough cramps, but I usually get bad cramps on my period. My period is always regular and I'm 30 years old- beyond pregnancy I have never missed one or been late! I've been through many stressful things, including leaving my son as a baby to deploy. During those cramping days, I began vomiting (weird), and I was waiting for my period that was due March 23rd. No period came 🤷🏼‍♀️? So I tested, it was negative. Cool. So my period shows up 6 days late... I began spotting Tuesday night, woke up Wednesday at 5 am, and it looked like it started. I use tampons, so I checked every time, I had A LOT of old blood with a little tiny bit of new blood. I also had uterine lining like a normal period. Today, just one day later it looks like it's stopping! I typically have 5 day periods! I'm still cramping pretty badly!

I wouldn't be pregnant because of the uterine lining coming out... but has any one experienced this??? What's wrong with me?? Again, I've never been late, or missed a cycle, I do know cycles can change, but really during the one month my husband finished inside me? After 10 years of only being with him? We do have a very active sex life?

My eating habits haven't changed**, again, this is totally normal for me...

I forgot to add, I'm still extremely nauseous... I get it random times through the day.